Playing with . . . Silhouette Cameo Cutter

Happy New Year!

One of the things I’ve been up to is playing with my new Silhouette Cameo.  So many  fun possibilities so I’m just getting started here.  I downloaded the flower image and added my daughter’s name (on the right).  After the cameo cut it out, I removed the pieces you see on the left and ironed them in place.

I’m not sure what I will make with it yet, but it was fun to just mess around with it.


I also downloaded this shape.  Then I saved just the outline of it and cut out the outlined piece in the lime. I am going to turn this into a little billfold or case.  Stay tuned for the final product!


The Silhouette is just so much fun.   This could get just seriously addicting 🙂

I would love to hear about your favorite Silhouette projects.

Linking up with WIP Wednesdays @ Freshly Pieced

Happy Sewing,


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